Read this DISCLAIMER page carefully before using the services described herein. By utilizing the website located at www.synapse-web.jp ("website"), you acknowledge that you have read this DISCLAIMER page and that you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions.
The personally identifiable information (incl. your physical address, name, age, sex, phone number, occupation and email address) you submit to our Website is used only to identify and/or to contact you with information on SYNAPSE Co. Ltd. services. We will not sell, share or rent your personally identifiable information to others in contravention of this Privacy Policy.
Although SYNAPSE Co. Ltd. understands that the personal information of users of this website is a very important information pertaining to privacy, and strives to appropriate manage such information, it is impossible to ensure complete security on the Internet. Therefore you shall provide your personal information to us at your own risk.
SYNAPSE Co. Ltd. may establish links between this website and one or more websites operated by third parties. SYNAPSE Co. Ltd. has no control over any such other websites and disclaims responsibility for the privacy policies and customer information practices of third-party internet websites hyperlinked from our website.
Although you may establish a link between your own website and this website, please confirm the following terms before continuing.
- リンク先はトップページ(sgs-fukuoka.work)のみに設定して下さい。 一部にだけリンクを設定し、当社サイトのデザインを変更するようなリンクはお断りします。
When you display on your website a hyperlink to a SYNAPSE Co. Ltd. website, you must link to our home page (sgs-fukuoka.work). Deep linking and/or redesign of this website is prohibited. - 当社は、リンクされている第三者サイトについて、リンクされているサイト及びサイトに対する内容について一切の責任を負いません。 また、違法な内容を含むサイトからのリンクはお断りします。
SYNAPSE Co. Ltd. may establish links between this website and one or more websites operated by third parties. SYNAPSE Co. Ltd. has no control over any such other websites and disclaims responsibility for the privacy policies and customer information practices of third-party internet websites hyperlinked from our website. - リンクを張る場合は、その旨をメールでまでご連絡下さい。こちらからの確認の通知は原則として差し上げませんが、サイトの内容を確認させて頂いたり、こちらからもリンクを張らせて頂く場合がありますので、必ずURLをご記入下さい。
If you desire to display on your website a hyperlink to a SYNAPSE Co. Ltd. website, please inform us about it accordingly via email. Since we may visit or establish a link to your website, please include your website address (URL) in the mail. - ウェブサイトの内容、及びURLについては予告なく変更する事があります。 その際、個々への変更通知は行いませんのでご了承下さい確認させて頂いたり、こちらからもリンクを張らせて頂く場合がありますので、必ずURLをご記入下さい。
Please note that SYNAPSE Co. Ltd. may change contents and URL on this website without prior notice.
- リンクサイトについて このウェブサイトから、もしくはこのウェブサイトへリンクを張っているウェブサイト (以下「リンクサイト」といいます) の内容は、それぞれ各社の責任で管理されるものです。
Links to Other Websites: Websites linking to/from this website are operated by third parties. Your access to and use of such linked websites is governed by the terms of use and privacy policies of those sites, and shall be at your own risk. SYNAPSE Co. Ltd. disclaims responsibility for the privacy policies and customer information practices of third-party internet websites hyperlinked from our website. - クッキー(Cookie)について クッキーとは、ユーザーの情報をブラウザー内に保存することで、再入力の手間を省いたり、ユーザーにとって最適なコンテンツを表示することができる機能です。
Cookies: Cookies are small text files that are stored in your computer's memory and hard drive when you visit certain web pages. They are used to enable websites to function or to provide information to the owners of a website. Cookies help us to provide customized services and information. We consider that using cookies is not invading users’ privacy as we use cookies on this website to provide high quality, convenient services to all users.
You are always free to decline our cookies if your browser permits, although in that case you may not be able to use certain features on our Website. - 著作権について当ホームページの写真、音声は著作権法によって守られています。画像、楽曲の取り扱いなどには十分ご注意ください。
Copyrights: All photographs and sound materials of our staff on this website are proprietary to SYNAPSE Co. Ltd. and/or their respective owners. Nothing contained on this Website should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right to use any trademark displayed on this website without the written permission of SYNAPSE Co. Ltd. or such other third party that may own the trademark displayed on this website. Your use of the photos and sound materials on this website, except as provided herein, is strictly prohibited. - 記載内容の変更 本ページ記載事項に関しまして、改訂する場合があることをご了承ください。
本ページに関するお問い合わせは「CONTACT FORM」にてお寄せください。
Changes to this DISCLAIMER page: Please note that SYNAPSE Co. Ltd. reserves the right to change, modify, add, or remove portions of this DISCLAIMER page at any time for any reason. If you have any questions about this page, please contact us via CONTACT FORM.